Spicy Cucumber Pickled in Coconut Vinegar - Naturally Fermented Goodness

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Our Coconut Vinegar with the Mother of Vinegar is a fabulous way to pickle vegetables in a gut friendly, raw vinegar.  Here, we’ve used cucumber, but you can replace the cucumber for a variety of vegetables, including cabbage, shallots, peppers and beetroot. 

Serves 2-3 


3 Cucumbers 

200ml of Coconut Vinegar with Mother of Vinegar (approx.)

50g of Coconut Sugar 

1 small birds eye chilli 

3 shallots 

Sea salt 

Pickling jar with airtight lid 

  • Slice the cucumber into lengthways strips around 2mm in depth

  • Finely slice the shallots

  • Evenly spread a good pinch of sea salt over both the sliced cucumber and shallots.  Leave for 1 hour. 

  • Combine the coconut vinegar with the coconut sugar and stir well until fully dissolved. 

  • Finely chop the birds eye chilli and add to the vinegar and sugar solution.  These chilli’s are HOT, so add less if you don’t like the heat! 

  • Using a kitchen towel, pat the cucumber and shallots dry to remove excess moisture. 

  • Put the cucumber and shallots into the pickling jar and pour the Coconut Vinegar mix on top. 

  • Leave to settle for 2 days before eating, to ensure the flavours really develop

Coconut Vinegar is a great substitute to Apple Cider Vinegar, but has a slightly milder taste and a very different nutritional profile. For example it contains lots more potassium and certain B vitamins. It’s typically made from raw coconut sap, but can also be made from fermented coconut water. We’d recommend sticking to the vinegar made from coconut sap, as it has a better nutritional profile and coconut sap contains lots of those precious amino acids. Also, coconut vinegar made from coconut water needs added fermentation agents to kick start the process, so its typically not as ‘pure’. Add some chilli or ginger for added bite!


Poached Egg, Asparagus & Coconut Aminos – A Dash of Naturally Fermented Goodness for Good Gut Health


Vinaigrette with a Coconut Twist – A Dash of Raw, Fermented Goodness