White Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups

It’s world coconut day today (2nd Sep) and to celebrate our husky friend in all its glory, we made some very delicious peanut butter cups. This recipe uses one of our lesser known products - organic condensed coconut milk. Its a sweetened coconut milk that’s been blended with organic sugar and heated until it’s a gloopy sweet syrup, which gives a real sugar hit to desserts. Devilishly delicious…..

Here’s how to make yours:



For the base -


For the middle -


For the topping -


Make them! 

  1. First mix together the coconut flour, nut butter, coconut sugar and milk to form a dough-like texture. Divide between a 6-hole muffin tin so it fills up to ⅓ of each cup, then press each one down flat and set aside.

  2. Next melt the coconut oil, coconut condensed milk and white chocolate gently, then spoon over the base of each to fill up to ⅔. Chill in the freezer for at least 15 minutes, or until solid to touch.

  3. Now melt the coconut oil, nut butter and coconut sugar then pour over each one to cover. Sprinkle some chopped peanuts over each, then chill for at least 2 hours in the fridge.

  4. When you’re ready to eat, pop out of the mould and serve!


The Coconut Company - November 2024 – update on global coconut demand & supply issues:


What does being organic certified mean?