Roll up for some incredibly moreish coconut snacks

Hold the front page and get ready to discover your new found bite of deliciousness that will leave your sweet-tooth satisfied, without any compromise to your ethics or nutrition. Yep, we’ve finally done it; we’re ready to launch a coconut snack, a type of coconut chips, which will roll out of our store and onto your favourites list – the curiously crunchy, mightily munchy Coconut Rollers. They are seriously moreish.

Coconut rolls roll over!

Our Coconut Rollers are coconut rolls which offer a crackly crunch of coconut wafer made from coconut milk and sesame seeds. Naturally sweet, naturally gluten-free and diary-free, there are no nasties in here, just good stuff. And sshhh, you won’t believe it from the taste sensation, but a portion of these little morsels of deliciousness will set you back just a measly 90 calories.

Yes, they really do tick every box on your ideal snack criteria. We’re not just saying it, check it out [CB1] for yourself.

From plant to packet – how we’ve done it

These little coconut bites have been a while in the making. We wanted to get our first coconut snacks absolutely spot on and perfect before we brought them to you. We didn’t want to just bring out some generic coconut chips without any real thought about what is important to you.

We know that the provenance and background of your food matters. That’s why we’d like to share with you a little about how our coconut rolls, AKA Coconut Rollers, came to be.

We already have incredible links with coconut farmers in the Philippines. You can find out more about our coconut history and why we do what we do, here. Until now, we’ve largely focused on the raw ingredients you need for cooking, whether that’s in your humble home or your café kitchen. Bringing these minimally processed coconut products to you was our number one goal. That’s why you find the shop of The Coconut Company packed with products like coconut milk, coconut oil, and coconut vinegars.

It turns out that you lot lap up all this coconut deliciousness. However, it also turns out that many of you also love our sweeter coconut ingredients. Knowing that processed sugar gets a bad rap, many of our customers have turned to our naturally sweeter, less refined lower GI coconut options to add a touch of sweetness to things. You seem to love our gloriously gooey coconut nectar, as well as our unrefined coconut sugar.

There’s just one problem. Sometimes, just sometimes, you want to satisfy that sweet craving without baking up a storm. Sometimes, just sometimes, you want to cave to that desire for something that delivers the sensations of crunch, pizzazz, and treating yourself, in a jiffy, by grabbing for a packet. You want the treat now, not in 3 hours’ time when you’ve found the recipe, bought the ingredients and got cooking.

And that can be a problem when you’ve largely committed yourself to plant-based ethical-eating. You, always, seem to end up doing the work.

And that, my dear coconut-lover, who wants an easy-to-grab treat, is exactly why we knew it was time to come up with coconut snacks that could be got by diving into a packet, without sacrificing your principles or health.

And that wasn’t an easy combo to achieve.

We committed ourselves to testing

Creating coconut snacks which don’t compromise any of our principles wasn’t always easy. Look at the crazy-long list of ingredients in any mainstream snack in a packet and you’ll see our problem. We didn’t want that. We wanted something that didn’t just taste good, and didn’t just feel good, but actually didn’t send your blood sugar spiking, or involve nasty palm oil, or gluten or dairy, or unfair farming practices, or contain a myriad of nasties to stop it going off.

Achieving all of those goals is a really tall order. But we did it with our coconut and sesame seed wafers. The next issue was texture.

Bringing our Coconut Rollers to the market involved us testing a lot of products. We’d like to say it was tough, but frankly, it was sweet. We tasted our delicious recipe as coconut crisps, coconut chips, coconut bites, coconut sticks… Some you’ll see coming to our shelves soon, as well as some additional variations along the way.

But standing out as the coconut snack to pave the way for the others were our coconut rolls. There’s just something so absolutely perfect about this texture rolling over into your palette before you chomp down in a satisfying crunch.

The Coconut Rollers from The Coconut Company were born.

Serving suggestions

We’re going to be honest: the chances of your first packet of Coconut Rollers making it beyond a covert post-parcel-opening session of gluttony are unlikely. However, once you’ve got your second packet, or if you’ve got more willpower than us, then try the following:

Indulge yourself with a frothy coffee and snack time:

Use MCT powder to create a gloriously frothy coffee, and enjoy alongside some Coconut Rollers for a moment of pure self-indulgence, and a bit of self-care.

Invite your friends over for a movie and munch:

Coconut Rollers are an ideal sharing snack when you snuggle up with your best mates to watch a movie or two.

Serve with afternoon tea, or to decorate your baking:

Fed up of ‘good’ naughty snacks looking less exciting? Jazz up your baking by decorating it with Coconut Rollers. They would look excellent decorating our double chocolate banana loaf.

Spoil the kiddies with ‘milk and cookies’ without the nasties:

Whip up some of our divine strawberry and coconut milkshake and pop a few Coconut Rollers on the side, to win the Favourite Treat Master of the Year Award.

Let’s get rolling

So, now we’ve got you salivating and chomping at the bit to grab our version of coconut chips, roll on over to get your own . What’s more, with free delivery on UK orders over £30, we’ll forgive you if you pop a few packets of Coconut Rollers in your basket with that as your excuse. Go on, we would!


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