10 Surprising Ways to Use Coconut Oil

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Oh yes, we know you love to use our divinely delicious organic coconut oil and virgin coconut oil in a myriad of ways in your cooking. But sit back and prepare to have your mind blown by these 10 surprising ways to use coconut oil.

If you limit coconut oil to the kitchen cupboard just for culinary outings, you’re missing a trick or ten. It’s hard to think of many products quite so versatile. So come on, let that humble jar of coconut oil out of the cupboard and give it something else to do.

1.    Ditch the stink

Stinky feet or hot and sweaty?  It’s not your sweat that’s the problem. What makes for that malodorous stench from a run, busy day or hot weather isn’t your sweat itself. The smell comes from the bacteria that make your skin their home.

Virgin coconut oil specially is bursting with antibacterial properties, as it’s processed without heat. This means that, when applied topically, it combats the smell at the source. Say goodbye to body odour, and hello to not using any nasty chemicals to do the job.

Coconut oil deodorant is so easy to make. You just mix up ¼ cup bicarb of soda, ¼ cup cornflour and 5-6 tablespoons of coconut oil (warm it a little to make it all combine well). Put the mix in a jar and apply once a day. We love the mildly coconut smell, but if you prefer, you can add a few drops of your favourite essential oil to the mix.

And don’t forget your cheesy feet. Coconut oil has anti-fungal properties in addition to antibacterial ones, so it’ll help to combat that Athlete’s Foot outbreak too.

2.    Get it out!

Ok, parents, we get it; the little ones are delightful and adorable, but their cuteness factor drops when they get crayon on the wall (floor… table… chair… cupboard…) or they appear in front of you with hair matted together with chewing gum. It’s even worse if it’s Favourite Ted who’s sporting the matted gum (putty… slime… wonderful sticky goo…).

But coconut oil is your hero here. It rubs away crayon, scuffs, and stains. And it works wonders when you’ve got a sticky mess. To work on crayon and stains, mix the coconut oil with some bicarb. To deal with gum, using coconut oil neat works best.

3.    Moisturise me

Virgin coconut oil is a super-wonder when it comes to moisturising, thanks to its fatty acid base. Use it on your skin, or even on your hair for a deep moisturising conditioner. As a moisturiser, coconut oil is also excellent during cold season, to apply to your nostrils to prevent soreness and bleeding. It’s a perfect lip balm too. And let it be heard here: coconut oil works miracles on cracked heels.

4.    Bye-Bye Bugs

Being plagued by nature’s biting bugs in the summer months isn’t much fun. You understandably want to banish mosquitos and other biting bugs from your life, but you probably don’t want to slather yourself in horrible chemical repellents to do it.

Simply mix some virgin coconut oil with citronella or peppermint essential oil and you can say goodbye to the biting critters.

5.    Delicious doggy treats

Coconut oil is great for adding to your dog’s diet for healthy skin and coat. You can make dog treats by mixing coconut oil and some peanut butter, and even add some cinnamon if you think it’ll make tails wag.

6.    Banish dandruff

And it’s not just your dog’s skin and fur either, it’s yours too. Dandruff isn’t much fun and can definitely be embarrassing. Coconut oil isn’t just an excellent moisturiser, which will help the dryness behind dandruff itself, it’s also able to tackle the malassezia fungus due to its anti-fungal properties. You just rub coconut oil into your scalp using your fingertips.

7.    Beautiful breath

Oil pulling, or swishing oil around your mouth, is an ancient Indian practice which is gaining popularity today. It’s believed to help with teeth and gum health, but many think it goes even further to help with things as diverse as diabetes and asthma.

As we say, virgin coconut oil is antibacterial and antifungal. Simply warm a tablespoon of coconut oil to liquefy it, and swish it around your mouth for around 10-15 minutes, or until the oil turns an opaque white, which shows the bacteria has been removed. Then spit it out.

Doing this has actually been shown to be as effective as using an antiseptic mouthwash.

8.    Wash hands naturally with coconut oil hand soap

Virgin coconut oil can be used as a replacement for hand soap. Really? Yes, absolutely. A quick Google will reveal all sorts of different recipes, from using glycerine to combining with Shea butter. Given how frequently we’re currently washing our hands, it’s nice to know that we can use a product which will be antibacterial and great at cleansing, whilst also helping to moisturise and keep our skin soft.

9.    Patch up that cut

From snagged hangnails to small cuts and scrapes from activity, gardening or just daily living, coconut oil can help wounds heal faster. Applied topically, the virgin coconut oil acts as an anti-inflammatory whilst also increasing production of collagen. It’s so easy to use as well; just dab on and cover with a bandage or plaster.

10.  Make-up removal

Our last surprising use of coconut oil is as a makeup remover! If you’re fed up of using chemical potions and lotions and want a more natural skincare alternative to makeup removal, organic coconut oil is your answer.

With coconut oil, your makeup will simply slide away. Rub a small amount in your fingers, apply, and then simply wipe off with a cotton pad or washable cloth. Use sparingly, to avoid an oily overload.

So, there we have it. Whilst we know that you love diving into our coconut recipes on the blog, we also know that the incredible coconut oil needs to be celebrated for its versatility too. Pop a jar of organic coconut oil in your basket, and let it come out of the kitchen cupboard for more than cooking alone.


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