Sweeten Yourself Up With Organic Coconut Sugar

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Organic coconut sugar is the perfect replacement for any sugar particularly the processed refined white sugar used in most home kitchens and by many commercial food processors. And why organic?

Well, organic coconut sugar is produced by farmers that avoid using all forms of man-made pesticides, fertilisers and growth regulators. Also, irradiation and use of genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) are prohibited when producing organic coconut sugar.

How is Coconut Sugar Made?

Coconut sugar is made by tapping the deliciously sweet liquid sap of coconut flower buds. To ensure the best quality sap farmers tap the flowers just after sunrise and before sunset.

The sap is then heated and constantly stirred by hand so that moisture is evaporated to produce coconut nectar which is a natural substitute for liquid sweeteners like processed syrups and honey found on many supermarket shelves.

Further heating and stirring of the sap produces crystals or granules of coconut sugar that are both vegan friendly and gluten-free.       

Coconut Sugar Health Benefits

Is coconut sugar better for you?  Well, many health conscious people are reaping the benefits of coconut sugar not just because of its caramel taste but due to it having a nutritional content far richer than most other commercially available sweeteners.

It also has a low fructose content and contains traces of many minerals and antioxidants compared to other sugars such as magnesium, potassium, zinc and iron. Coconut sugar contains double the amount of iron, four times magnesium and more than 10 times the amount of zinc.

The reason is that the fresh natural coconut sap from which the coconut sugar is made is packed full of a nutrient rich array of amino acids, minerals, vitamins B & C and has a nearly neutral pH (so not too acidic). Whilst the heating process when making coconut sugar will reduce the amounts, trace elements will remain in the finished product and add benefits to a healthy balanced diet.  

So naturally produced coconut sugar particularly organic coconut sugar can certainly be considered a healthier sugar compared with refined cane sugar but of course, any sugar must be used in moderation.

We all know the dangers of excess sugar in the diet and is one of the reasons behind our diabetes type 2 epidemic. Our food is loaded with refined sugars. It does not matter if you buy yoghurt, breakfast cereal, a loaf of bread or a burger, they will be packed with refined white sugars.

Science doesn’t quite understand why, but the refined sugars that we eat seem to be addictive and our bodies tend to crave for more. But if we were to reduce and replace much of the refined sugar we find in our daily diets with the benefits of natural sweeteners such as coconut sugar, then it would lead to a healthier lifestyle and perhaps even reduce our sweet cravings.

Many food manufacturers recognise this and are reducing sugar levels in products and also beginning to replace refined sugar with coconut sugar which can’t be a bad thing. 

Benefits of a low Glycemic Index in Coconut Sugar  

Coconut sugar has a lower Glycemic Index (GI) than other sugars, which some regard as beneficial for weight control and can help regulate blood sugar and glucose levels.  However, as mentioned previously those suffering from diabetes should reduce their intake of sugar, in whatever form. 

GI is a measure of how quickly a food will raise blood glucose levels. Coconut sugar has a GI rating of only 35 compared to honey’s GI rating of 55 and refined white sugar between 60 to 65.  Coconut sugar also contains insulin, a fibre that is known to slow down the absorption of glucose by the body.  

So coconut sugar is regarded by some to help with weight control (as a substitute for refined cane sugar) and some studies suggest may assist diabetics to regulate their blood sugar levels.

Benefits to the Environment in Using Coconut Sugar  

Coconut trees are often called the “Trees of Life” in coconut producing countries around the world and provide a myriad of benefits to local communities. This very resourceful coconut tree can provide a variety of products other than a wide range of different foods and drinks from the coconut itself.

The coconut tree trunk and palms can be used as roofing material and for building construction and the coconut husk can be naturally processed into coconut fibre and coconut peat. Coconut fibre has many applications such as for making mats, mattresses and car seats and coconut peat can be used as a soil conditioner to benefit plant growth. 

Coconut trees themselves are considered as an ecologically beneficial tree crop which restore damaged soils, require very little water and play an important role in sustaining eco-systems of wildlife and other undergrowth.

The Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) of the World Bank has recognised coconut trees as one of the world’s most sustainable sources of sweeteners.

50-70% more sugar per acre can be produced from the coconut tree than from sugar cane and the coconut tree uses less than 20% of the nutrients in the soil. Another reason for replacing processed sugar obtained from sugar cane with environmentally friendly coconut sugar.

How do I use Coconut Sugar?

Coconut sugar can be used as a direct 1 to 1 replacement for other sugars in foods and drinks. It also has a very low melting point and very high tolerance for burning, making it perfect for when making confectionery.

It also dissolves easily in liquids and wet dough without residue, because it is derived from coconut sap as opposed to a crystal derived from cane sugar.

Coconut sugar can be used with almost all of the food we cook and eat on a daily basis. Experiment with coconut sugar and you will soon discover what a versatile cooking and baking ingredient it is. Of course, it is also packed with many of the essential minerals and micronutrients you will not find in refined sugar.

So in summary, coconut sugar has many benefits not just as a very tasty sweetener in food and drinks, but for health when used in moderation and is a sustainable environmentally friendly product particularly when compared to the production of sugar from cane.

And organic coconut sugar with its comprehensive transparent traceability and non-artificial pesticide and fertiliser techniques is an obvious winner in the market for sweeteners and in sync with the shift in lifestyles towards ones that emphasise a healthy and nutritional diet.


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