The Coconut Company

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As the weather heats up, we thought you’d all enjoy a Summer treat. These tasty little ice cream bars are much better than the big brand alternatives, that are stuffed full of ultra-processed nonsense and additives. They can be kept in the freezer for a few weeks and popped out of their mold when you’re hungry. Warning, don’t eat them all at once - they are moreish.

They take about 30 minutes to make, but need at least 4-5 hours in the freezer. Enjoy!


For the base -

1 x can chickpeas, rinsed and drained

2 tablespoons nut butter

3 tablespoons The Coconut Company coconut nectar

70g rolled oats

2 scoops vanilla or salted caramel protein powder (or oat flour)

1 teaspoon cinnamon 



1 tablespoon The Coconut Company coconut oil

1 tablespoon The Coconut Company coconut nectar

1 tablespoon The Coconut Company coconut sugar 

2 tablespoons smooth peanut butter



2 ripe bananas

100g natural / dairy-free / coconut yogurt

3 tablespoons The Coconut Company coconut milk powder 

2 tablespoons The Coconut Company coconut nectar



1 teaspoon The Coconut Company coconut oil

30g dark chocolate 



First make the base: Blend the chickpeas, coconut nectar, oats, protein powder (or oat flour) and nut butter until you have a thick and slightly chunky dough texture.

Divide this between a 10-hole individual bar silicone mold to fill each one up to a third and press down well.

Next melt the coconut oil, coconut nectar, coconut sugar and nut butter until you have a slightly runny mixture then add a spoonful on top of each base to cover. Place the mold in the freezer (make sure it stays flat).

After about 20 minutes, blend the bananas, yogurt, coconut milk powder and coconut nectar until quite thick and smooth, then spoon this over each peanut butter layer to fill to the top of each mold then smooth out. Freeze for at least another 4 hours.

Once frozen, pop out of the molds and onto a wire rack. Melt the coconut oil and dark chocolate and drizzle a little over each. Return to the freezer for another 10 minutes - then enjoy whenever! Best to remove from the freezer 5 minutes before eating.